About Us
Howden Shire Hall is situated right in the heart of Howden, overlooking the historic Howden Minster. It's a multi-functional building used for community hires such as parties, wedding receptions and fund-raising events. We're also the hub for live arts; hosting music, theatre, comedy and cinema as well as the local Tourist Information Point.
Available for private functions, the hall has its own fully licensed bar which offers a broad range of drinks including locally sourced wine and beer brewed at Half Moon Brewery. We're also home to regular classes including dance, yoga, language and music classes.
For more information about us or to talk to us about future plans email us at boxoffice@howdenshirehall.co.uk

A collection of tapestries depicting historical scenes in the town has gone on display at the Shire Hall.
The tapestries were made in the 1960s by members of the Women's Institute in Howden and the surrounding parishes to commemorate 700 years of the existence of Howden Minster. They have recently been refurbished by present members of the WI and are of striking colour and design showing scenes of the Minster and the town in embroidery and collage. They were previously exhibited in the Minster but were taken down during the recent refurbishment. They will now have a permanent home at the Shire Hall.